Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Arizona launches an RPG into the immigration debate

On my way to work this morning, I heard a lengthy discussion on NPR's "The Diane Rehm Show" about Arizona's stringent new immigration law. The Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act, signed last week by Gov. Jan Brewer, requires that "for any lawful contact made by a law enforcement official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state where reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States, a reasonable attempt shall be made, when practicable, to determine the immigration status of the person." Such a determination presumably means the suspect must produce evidence (read: documentation) of legal immigration status or U.S. citizenship.

Predictably, the bill has sparked outrage in some quarters and hosannahs in others; it's also drawn comparisons to everything from Nazism to apartheid. The main point of contention is the "where reasonable suspicion exists" part. How does an officer of the law arrive at that reasonable suspicion? There are no specific criteria or guidelines, leading many to conclude that the only "reasonable suspicion" needed is the appearance of being an illegal alien ... which in the American Southwest translates to "Hispanic."

Rehm's usual complement of analysts and reporters batted around the implications of the bill, with Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies voicing support and Angela Kelley of the Center of American Progress taking the opposite view. What struck me most about the debate was that Krikorian kept painting scenarios in which a suspect would have been stopped by a peace officer for committing some sort of infraction — say, making an illegal left turn, or making too much noise in public. Thing is, there's nothing in the language of the bill that stipulates any such scenario. There's a provision stating that if an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States is convicted of violating state or local law, that person can be deported. Another provision says that a law enforcement officer doesn't need a warrant to arrest a person who the officer has probable cause to believe has "committed any public offense that makes the person removable from the United States." But nowhere does it say that probable cause is required for an officer to question someone about his or her legal status. And nowhere does it detail the grounds for reasonable suspicion.

That's a mighty big omission. In essence, it means that a police officer can walk up to anyone who has brown skin and ask to see proof of legal immigration. And since most of us don't carry around our birth certificates, it also means that someone born in this country could ostensibly be detained until such proof is given — someone like me, or my father, or any of my relatives of Puerto Rican descent who happen to find themselves in Arizona. That last observation is born of a certain wry cynicism: I've learned over the years that few non-Latinos make a distinction between Puerto Rican and Guatemalan, or Colombian and Chilean, or any other flavor of Hispanic. Among less-than-observant Americans, we're all lumped into a much-disdained pile called "Mexicans."

Of course, the failure of the federal government to pass legislation that deals with our porous southern border is a contributing factor here. And as long as there's furious resistance to any bill that includes a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, I don't see the situation changing. Even so, Arizona's approach is fatally flawed (and quite possibly unconstitutional) because it makes racial profiling practically a given.

Gov. Brewer has said she'll work to ensure that the police have the proper training to carry out the law. But when asked what other factors might be used to single out an unlawful resident, she answered, "We have to trust our law enforcement."

Sorry, but that's simply not enough. Law enforcement officers are by and large dedicated to their jobs and to protecting the people in their jurisdictions. But they're also subject to the same biases and human failings that plague the rest of mankind; they don't suddenly become immune to those biases and failings when they get their badges.

Just ask any African American who's been pulled over for "driving while black."

Monday, April 26, 2010

She was only *mostly* dead

Today marks my return to the blogosphere (under a new moniker!) after a five-year hiatus. I wish I could say that those five years were a whirlwind of exciting events and experiences ... but a demanding job and near-terminal exhaustion don't really meet the criteria.

It's been fascinating, though, to look back and consider how much has happened since last I blogged. For instance:
  1. The U.S. and global economies collapsed in a messy heap, with consequences that are still unfolding.
  2. America elected a Democrat to the presidency. Did I mention that he's African American?
  3. Congress passed healthcare reform, and President Obama signed the bill into law. Unfortunately, Ted Kennedy didn't live to see the cause to which he dedicated himself come to fruition. Also unfortunately, the bill didn't include a public option.
  4. Several states and the District of Columbia legalized same-sex marriage. Sadly, California voters overturned the state's approval of marriage rights for gays and lesbians by passing Proposition 8.
  5. The political mood of the nation became even more rancorous - something I wouldn't have believed was possible. In fact, it's gotten downright menacing.
  6. The far-right wing of the GOP took permanent leave of its senses.
  7. Apple's iPhone rewrote the "smartphone" rules.
  8. Facebook and Twitter ate the Internet.
  9. Mother Nature went on a rampage.
  10. The New York Mets and the Baltimore Orioles went from bad to "hide all the sharp objects in the house" awful. 
  11. And apparently scantily clad and promiscuous women are to blame for earthquakes. Glad we got that cleared up.
There's an ancient Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times." If these times get any more "interesting," I may have to make a downpayment on a padded cell. I wonder if they make them with Wi-Fi?